OEM Glyd rings for famous AODD Diaphragm pump manufacturers!!!
- easy installation on piston without special tools
- due to large extrusion gap, safe use even with soiled media
- installation grooves acc. to ISO 7425/1
- simple groove design, one piece piston possible
- increased clearance compare to Turcon® Glyd Ring® seals (approx. +50%), depending on operation conditions
- resistant against shock loads
- high wear resistant material ensures long service life
- running test with more than 3000hours

- easy installation on piston without special tools
- due to large extrusion gap, safe use even with soiled media
- installation grooves acc. to ISO 7425/1
- simple groove design, one piece piston possible
- increased clearance compare to Turcon® Glyd Ring® seals (approx. +50%), depending on operation conditions
- resistant against shock loads
- high wear resistant material ensures long service life
- running test with more than 3000hours