"In 2022, the Shemetovskaya rural library, a branch of the MBUK "Central Library named after V.V. Rozanov SPGO", became a participant in the project "Creating a Model Library" as part of the national project "Culture". The funds allocated from the federal and municipal budgets were used to repair and equip the premises , as well as the modernization of the institution as a whole. The book fund of new publications will increase by 450 copies, interactive equipment for educational and cognitive activities will be installed. Zoning of the premises and equipping with modern equipment will allow organizing educational and game forms of work, diversifying the activities of the institution. The library will correspond to modern requirements and standards. As early as September, residents will have the opportunity to organize their leisure time informatively and interestingly," the district administration's education department said.Source: http://insergposad.ru/novosti/obschestvo/shemetovskaya-selskaya-biblioteka-filial-mbuk-cb-im-vv-rozanova-spgo-stala-uchastnikom-proekta-sozdanie-modelnoy-bibliotekiAll rights to the materials of this site are protected in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including copyright and related rights.When citing materials, a reference to the newspaper "Sergievsky Vedomosti" is obligatory.When citing electronic resources, a hyperlink to the site insergposad.ru is required.Mass media registration certificate El No. ФС77-73843 dated October 5, 2018.Name of the mass media: "Sergievskie Vedomosti" Founder: State Autonomous Institution of the Moscow Region "Sergiev Posad Information Agency of the Moscow Region", State Autonomous Institution of the Moscow Region "Public Information Systems Agency "Podmoskovye".Editor-in-chief Lyudmila Ivanovna Pirogova E-mail address: [email protected] Tel.5413336 This resource contains materials of the age limit 18+ User Agreement