A visit to the Pyra Museum and Gravity Station

2022-09-16 22:20:08 By : Mr. Russell zheng

News Wielichowo and its surroundingsThe second holiday trip included a visit to the Pyra Museum, where participants heard a lot of interesting information about potatoes.They learned, among otherswhere and when did they come to Poland, who was Francisco Pizarro, what is the pyrocentric system, and they visited the court of King Jan III Sobieski and participated in the seasoning and baking workshops of their chosen pyra, which they could eat at the end.The next point of departure was a stay at the Grawitacja Station, where you could have fun on trampolines, a rope park or a climbing wall.Some are still waiting for the promised coal for PLN 996.Others are trying to submit several applications for the payment of "carbon" for ...A very serious accident took place in Wilków Polski.The man was pinned down by a farm tractor.Firemen from ...Magiel Contemporary Art Gallery in Wielichów and the Volunteer Fire Department in Wielichów cordially invite you to the exhibition: Safety at home.Fire extinguisher.…The Friendly Wielichowo Commune Association invites ladies and gentlemen to recreational volleyball classes.Their goal is to spend the evenings in an active and sporty way ...The two-day, multi-generational, open Sculpture and Ceramic Workshop began today in Wielichów.Magiel Contemporary Art Gallery in Wielichów and the Center ...Something went wrong.Please refresh the page and / or try again.In the Harcówka "Pod BOCIANEM" in Reńsk, renovation works are underway inside the building.The walls were secured, plastered, and due to the poor condition, the plaster was removed beforehand, and then, after appropriate protection, a new layer of concrete was laid. ... [...]Retirees and disability pensioners whose benefits are due on September 15 have reason to be satisfied.They will receive their fourteenth pension tomorrow.On the other hand, people whose pension is due for payment on September 20 - next week. ... [...]In August, the commune of Grodzisk Wielkopolski announced a tender for the supply of nearly 18.6 million kWh of energy for 2023. The order was divided into two groups: street lighting and other units, eg offices, schools.https://pgo24.pl/energetyczny-dramat-grodzisk-wylozy-ogromna-sume-na-energie/The beginning of the second half turned out to be a breakthrough in the regional match of the Polish Cup between our Grodzisk Wielkopolski Discobolis and Wiara Lech Poznań.The hosts won.Both teams met on Wednesday (14 https://pgo24.pl/nasza-dyskobolia-wygryw-bialo-zieloni-graja-dalej-w-pucharze-polski-zdjecia-717818/If we want to celebrate and have fun, every occasion is good.In Rostarzewo, the Rural Housewives' Association organized the "Potato Festival for a Ukrainian and a Pole" for the inhabitants of Rostarzewo and the surrounding villages.https://rakoniewice.pgo24.pl/rostarzewo-festyn-swieto-ziemniaka-dla-ukrainca-i-polaka/