By Alex Oliveira For Dailymail.Com
Published: 19:55 EDT, 27 June 2022 | Updated: 08:49 EDT, 30 June 2022
A Vermont man was caught on camera wildly swinging an excavator near two state troopers who were arresting his son for burglary.
Troopers Gabe Schrauf and Skylar Velasquez were seen on the dashcam grappling with Brandon Tallman, 24, before throwing him to the ground during the arrest outside a home in Hardwick, Vermont on June 14.
Brandon's mother Amy, 48, then joined the melee before she too was arrested.
All the while, a big, red excavator could be seen approaching the officers down the driveway, as they struggled to cuff the mother and son.
The excavator, which police say was being driven by Brandon's father Wayne Tallman, 52, looms closer to the rabble and the machine's heavy metal shovel begins swinging.
The officers then notice the machinery and one drew his gun and dodged the machine's shovel while the other restrained Amy and Brandon on the ground. Nobody was hurt in the incident and all the Tallmans were arrested.
Wayne was charged with aggravated assault on a protected official, resisting arrest, impeding, and reckless endangerment. Amy was cited for impeding an officer, and Brandon Tallman, 24, was arrested on his original charge of aggravated assault and burglary.
A Vermont man was caught on camera wildly swinging an excavator near two state troopers who were arresting his son for burglary
Wayne Tallman, 52, and Amy Tallman, 48. Wayne was charged with aggravated assault on a protected official, resisting arrest, impeding, and reckless endangerment. Amy was cited for impeding an officer
Brandon Tallman, 24. He was being arrested for aggravated assault and battery when his parents stepped in to try to stop it
Officers had arrived at a house in Hardwick, Vermont, on June 14 to arrest Brandon in connection to an incident that had occurred a few days prior.
'It could have been, 'Sir, turn around, put your hands around your back, you're under arrest for an assault,' and they would have driven away,' Vermont State Police Captain Matt Daley said.
Instead, Brandon's parents both desperately attempted to stop the officers from arresting him.
Footage taken from the dashboard of a state trooper squad car showed a police SUV parked in the driveway of the house, with the red arm of an excavator looming in the background.
Officers Schrauf and Velasquez are then seen grappling with Brandon down the driveway, as his mother chases after and grabs onto them.
The officers wrestle Amy and Brandon to the ground, while in the background the excavator arm is seen lurching to life and moving towards the brawl.
Wayne approaches in the excavator, and as he lifts its massive arm and shovel in the air Schrauf leaps back and draws a weapon from his belt.
Wayne first approached the police in the excavator and held its shovel over their squad car. Amy and Brandon can be seen being held down by the officers on the right
On the right, state trooper Gabe Schrauf can be seen seen pointing a weapon at Wayne inside the excavator's cab
As Velasquez holds Brandon and Amy to the ground, Schrauf can be seen speaking to Wayne, and appears to be ordering him to lower the shovel or get down out of the excavator.
Wayne continues to approach the officers, and can be seen arguing back at them from the machine's cab.
Wayne pitches the shovel towards the roof over the squad car, then lifts it up and lowers it quickly at the officers. Velasquez ducks to avoid the blow, while Schrauf dodges aside and points his gun at Wayne.
The video cuts off as Wayne swings the shovel back over the squad car.
Daley commended Schrauf and Valesquez for their performance during the arrest.
'It was a dangerous situation that you were put in, and in the end, you came out on top, you affected the arrest, you guys both went home that night. That's the goal of why we went there,' he said.
'They don't have a scenario at the academy where we practice this one.'
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