Seven more oil wells were discovered leaking methane near a Bakersfield neighborhood, state inspectors reported this week.
In total, inspectors have found 13 wells in eight days emitting the potent greenhouse gas, which at high enough levels can also be explosive or cause serious health impacts.
In a report filed Wednesday at 8:05 p.m. with the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, state inspectors said they had found five more wells leaking methane at 50,000 parts per million each — high enough to explode — as well as a sixth leaking 26,500 ppm and a seventh emitting 4,000 ppm.
The owner of the wells, Andrew Sanders, with Zynergy LLC, said he did not want to comment other than to say the leaking wells are being addressed.
"We're taking care of it," he said, adding that work on the idle wells to address the leaks should be completed by the end of the day Thursday.
After the first leaking wells were discovered in the same Morning Star neighborhood in northeast Bakersfield, California's top oil regulator, Uduak-Joe Ntuk, said the risks were minor.
Ntuk and other officials and staff with CalGEM, the California Air Resources Board, the regional air district and the Bakersfield Fire Department briefed California legislative staff on Friday. CalGEM also scheduled two online community meetings, one for Friday at 5 p.m. and one for Tuesday at 6 p.m., seeking to allay concerns and answer questions.
A state staffer told The Desert Sun earlier in the week that Ntuk is "lying" about the possible risks, that the leaking wells were "a ticking time bomb" and that while the methane levels might drop off sharply above ground, the real risk lies underground, with unknown amounts of methane possibly building up in tight spaces.
Meanwhile, air pollution experts and environmentalists point to research showing dangerous air contaminants linked to smog and carcinogens are also often emitted from idled or improperly plugged wells.
State and regional inspectors, working with the Bakersfield fire department, are now conducting inspections of more idle wells in the area.
The newly discovered leaking wells sit "in the vicinity of Morning Drive and Morningstar Avenue" in the same Kern Bluff oil field. Maps show Juliet Thorner Elementary School, Wonder Window Children's Center, which is part of the adjoining Lutheran Church of Prayer, and homes are nearby. Bakersfield City School District officials did not respond to requests for comment.
In updates posted on its website, CalGEM said its team, along with the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, inspected an additional 21 idle wells in northeast Bakersfield and was working with Znergy to ensure seven that are leaking are properly fixed. It said the wells are "approximately half-a-mile north of the Morningstar neighborhood."
But a review by Kyle Ferrar of Fractracker shows the leaking wells are 700 to 1,000 feet from homes and the elementary school.
Ferrar said while there might not be large concentrations of methane a short distance from the wells, the levels of 50,000 and above are "number one, explosive. So everything coming up from the ground, if someone were to light a match, we have a risk of that particular wellhead blowing up, of uncontrolled fire from a well blowing and a giant flare flame coming out of the top."
He said volatile organic compounds that typically leak along with methane have been closely linked to asthma-causing smog and various cancers from long-term chronic exposure. Six Sunray Petroleum wells discovered to be leaking last week, which CalGEM said it has now sealed, have been idle for years.
The agency said the leaking wells owned by Sunray Petroleum near the neighborhood were repaired by workers dispatched by the agency, since Sunray was not doing it, and "a post-repair inspection detected no methane emissions."
Sunray, the owner of those wells, did not return a call or email seeking comment. Earlier this month, records show, Sunray appealed a May 2 enforcement order in which CalGEM said it had found numerous violations since 2017 across five California oil fields where the company owns wells.
Ntuk said in the order that the company owes $85,000 in unpaid idle well fees and has not submitted a legally required idle well management plan. In its appeal letter, Sunray said many of the problems had been resolved, but because CalGEM hadn't done on-site inspections during the COVID pandemic, they were not aware of the completed work.
As for the leaks discovered on Wednesday, the CalGEM report said local responders had again determined "there is no immediate threat to public health or safety. "
Although the levels detected "were far below public safety reporting thresholds," the agency said workers were dispatched to seal the leaks and prevent methane emissions.
Without directly commenting on the state staffer's concerns about the dangerous gas migrating underground, the statement said that CalGEM is also installing gauges to allow inspectors to monitor pressure inside the sealed wells.
"On each repaired well inspectors have found no pressure or cause for concern," the statement said, and readings taken "within the boundary of the residential neighborhood" showed no detectable methane. The agency expects to complete additional idle wells inspections in nearby residential areas this week..
"We are committed to protecting public safety and keeping the community informed," the agency said.
CalGEM has long had a spotty record of enforcing its own orders related to safety and the environment, as reported by The Desert Sun and ProPublica a year ago. Spokespeople did not respond to questions this week about whether any fines, including three large ones, have been paid in the past year or not, or whether a major oil spill that has gushed since 2003 in another Kern County oilfield, earning Chevron millions of dollars, has finally been stopped.
It is also grappling with as many as 39,000 idled wells statewide, from which many companies walk away, potentially leaving taxpayers saddled with large clean-up costs.
The environmentalists who sounded the alarm on the first hissing Bakersfield well several weeks ago said it illustrates the scope of the problem, and again urged regulators and Gov. Gavin Newsom to ban existing wells near homes and schools. CalGEM is drafting rules to ban new wells near sensitive areas, but the groups say older wells and related aging infrastructure present major risks.
Janet Wilson is senior environment reporter for The Desert Sun, and co-authors USA Today's Climate Point newsletter. She can be reached at or @janetwilson66 on Twitter