Marathon Brake Systems has developed a line of heavy-duty shock absorbers for truck, trailer, and severe-service applications.
The hydraulic shocks feature reinforced welds, tough end mounts, and durable piston seals, the company notes.
There’s perimeter welding for the closing system, reinforced projection welded zones (8,000-lb. maximum tensile strength of mounting), and end cap/outer tube welds that deliver 12,000 lb. of maximum tensile strength. The assembly was tested at an air pressure of 10-15 psi, submerged in water, without leaks.
The shocks also feature chrome piston rods to provide added strength and protect against corrosion.
Their seals and valves help dampen piston movements to absorb vibrations in the name of driver comfort and durability, the company adds. And the design includes more capacity to hold the shocks’ high-viscosity hydraulic oil.
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