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Don't hit the road without these essential tools.
Road trips are fun. Breakdowns are not. There's a risk of a visit over the rumble strips no matter how long the trip is. But even if a We're the Millers–level breakdown occurs, there are things you can do to be prepared—like have a road-trip tool kit.
Our kit features some basic tools that can help with common vehicular malfunctions. You might never need to use them, but throwing them in the trunk is a good idea just in case. If you've got a flat tire, a blown fuse, or a burnt-out taillight, these tools might help you avoid an expensive tow or repair bill and be back on the road in no time.
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Keeping an eye on your tire pressure is extremely important. Improperly inflated tires can hurt gas mileage, increase tire wear, and hint at a slow leak. Keep this handy and check your tire pressure throughout the road trip.
If you end up with a flat tire and need to swap to a spare, you might find your vehicle's tire-removal tools to be a bit lackluster. We recommend getting a set of lug-nut sockets like these to ensure the best fit when removing your wheel, especially if the lug nuts are slightly expanded.
If your lug nuts are excessively tight, try using this 30-inch breaker bar. With the added leverage, your lug nuts should loosen—just remember: lefty loosey! We advise against using this when tightening the lug nuts of your spare wheel to avoid overtightening and potentially breaking a stud—which becomes a much bigger problem.
Corrosion can cause the rear face of your wheel to get stuck to your vehicle's wheel hub, especially in the Rust Belt. If the lug nuts are off and your wheel is still stuck, screw one lug nut in a few threads and give the back side of the rim a few generous whacks with this—it should come loose.
If you have an electrical issue and are familiar with your vehicle's spiderweb of wires, a roll of electrical tape can be a lifesaver. Use this to stop a short or cover exposed copper.
One blown fuse can cause an array of issues, so replacing it is a good place to start. That can be a good short-term fix, but remember—something caused it to blow in the first place. Address the original issue as soon as you can.
When you're checking fuses, a small pair of needle-nose pliers can be super handy. Grab, pull, and inspect the fuse in question—that process goes faster with these than with trying to get your fingers in there. The pliers can also be helpful for other issues, such as dropped bolts or credit cards.
A mini hook set can come in clutch when you're removing plastic fastener clips or disconnecting connectors, which can become brittle with heat and break if you try to remove them with your hands. Delicacy is essential here.
Cars (annoyingly) use various kinds of screws, so be prepared with a tool to tackle them all. This multi-bit screwdriver from Klein features eight different bits to loosen a range of parts from taillight housings to intake clamps.
A spare flashlight is a must-have on any road trip. This water-resistant flashlight from Rechoo emits up to 2000 lumens—perfect for aiding in an evening roadside tire check or trying to find that lost chicken nugget.