LISBON — As costs soar, the Lisbon village council has opted to not participate in the annual countywide chip and seal program this year. “Prices are going up for construction dramatically and emulsion is oil based. Oil prices are crazy, so everything is surging right now,” Mayor Peter Wilson said.
Initially the estimate to chip and seal three alleys and to pave around the street and water garages was $55,269, Wilson said. At Tuesday night’s meeting, council members and street department superintendent Jim Oliver considered doing just three alleys at an estimated cost of $18,000 but ultimately they voted to refrain from participating in the program. Instead, the village will be applying drag patch to some areas, which consists of applying blacktop to the road surface and then leveling it to fill holes.
Council did vote to take the next step to getting the police department a K-9 officer, authorizing police Chief Mike Abraham to order the necessary vehicle. Abraham said the cost of the car will come to $52,268 and could take up to eight months to arrive. “We just need to get something in place as far as ordering the vehicle,” he said.
The cost of the actual K-9 officer is estimated at $18,000 which includes a pre-trained imported German Shepherd with dual training for patrol and narcotics. Together, the price tag of this project will be $70,768. Abraham said he thinks about half the needed funding could likely be raised through donations.
In other police business, Abraham also provided the council with two invoices for getting the police body cameras. One invoice was for state-allotted funding equaling $20,823 and the second invoice for $6,130 includes the expenses the village will need to cover.
“We are $25,545 short of what we wanted to get. As you can see, that quote is $6,130,” Abraham said. He told council some items like warranties will not be purchased to save money.
The village had wanted 13 body cameras for officers but only six were approved, Abraham said. “I would like to get at least eight cameras so that would be purchasing an additional two cameras,” he said. “I think I could probably get by on the eight cameras. The most we have on shifts would be three officers so we would have three or four on the chargers then three out on the road.”
Abraham said they may possibly purchase a few more cameras in the next year as well. “That way we could spread it out over time,” Abraham said.
Council approved a grant the capital improvement community pass-through grant agreement with Ohio Department of National Resources for a proposed bridge at Willow Grove Park. Wilson said there is no deadline for when the project must be done and that approving the grant would lock in the funding until the village has the rest of the money needed for the project.
“If you remember two years ago we put in for the state capital budget,” Wilson said. “We were awarded $100,000. This agreement basically locks in that money. This money has been set aside for the bridge project if and when it occurs.”
— Approved a quote from Outdoor Workout Supply for $4,648 for walking trail equipment
— Passed a resolution approving the Ohio Department of Transportation 2022 rock salt agreement
— Approved Johnny Appleseed festival dates for Sept. 17 and 18 this year
— Approved the Village of Children Easter egg hunt on Saturday April 9 in the pool area by the tennis courts in the grassy area. Sixty five children are signed up so far and volunteers are needed
— Approved spending an estimated $11,000 for new gutters on the pool house
The next village council meeting will be Tuesday April 5 at 6:30 p.m.
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