The Ventura County Board of Supervisors has directed two of its members to explore options for re-designing the county seal, an exercise that could lead to the removal of the image of Junipero Serra, the Spanish Franciscan priest who established the mission that marked the founding of Ventura but who is also associated with oppression of Native Americans.
Supervisors Linda Parks and Carmen Ramirez on Tuesday asked the board to appoint them to a subcommittee to evaluate a re-design. Both have indicated they favor removing Serra's image and said the seal adopted in 1964 needs to be modernized.
"We are looking at a seal created in the 1960s," Parks said. "It doesn't necessarily reflect what is happening today."
"I think it's time for a real update," Ramirez said.
County departments began using a new logo on stationery and other items last year, but officials said the seal is still affixed to certain documents.
The board voted 4-1 to authorize the request, with Supervisor Kelly Long dissenting. Voting in favor were Parks, Ramirez, Bob Huber and Matt LaVere. Any changes would require adoption by the full board.
The seal includes images of Serra, the Mission Basilica San Buenaventura, an oil derrick, a rocket, a hammer and a tractor.
Serra's name did not come up during the board's discussion. But Ramirez made a clear reference to him when she said she opposed using religious symbols on government property. Parks has previously said she favors removing Serra's image because of the priest's association with Spanish oppression of Native Americans.
More:Ventura County to redesign seal, possibly remove Junipero Serra image
The Rev. Thomas Elewaut, pastor of Mission Basilica San Buenaventura, said Wednesday he opposes the removal of Serra from the seal and questions the choice of Ramirez and Parks to explore the re-design.
"I find it incredible that the Board of Supervisors of this great county would consider the removal of Serra’s image, given the broad contemporary academic research on him and the mission era," he said in a prepared statement he intends to send to the board.
"Perhaps a different pair of supervisors than the ones proposing the changes would be a more objective subcommittee," Elewaut said. "Better yet, it would be far more constructive for the Board of Supervisors to appoint a large committee of educated, capable and qualified citizens to examine the matter over a period of time sufficient to obtain clarity and the necessary knowledge to make a wise set of recommendations."
Supervisor Long said this was a poor time to explore the options. She said the community was still coming off the heels of the pandemic and referenced the controversy that ensued in Ventura over removal of Serra's statue in front of Ventura City Hall last year.
"I feel it will make things very polarized," she said.
Parks said she thought the process could take half a year so she didn't see it as rushed, while Ramirez said the seal as it exists is "polarizing."
County Executive Officer Mike Powers said it was an important review and that officials had already reached out to see what the Chumash people would like to see.
Ventura resident Alan Salazar, an elder in the Tataviam and Chumash tribes, said he favored removal of Serra’s image.
“We can debate all day and all night how kind or how brutal Father Serra was, but one thing the Catholic Church cannot deny — they labeled Chumash and all Native American families as inferior to them and as savages.”
The board did not set a date for the two supervisors to return with their recommendation. But the two officials said the 150th anniversary of the county in January 2023 would be a great time to have an updated seal in place.
Kathleen Wilson covers the Ventura County government, including the county health system, politics and social services. Reach her at or 805-437-0271.