Close call! Swinging crane hook narrowly misses workman and parked car [Video] | Daily Mail Online

2022-07-01 22:42:40 By : Mr. Jeff Lu

By Chris Matthews For Mailonline

Published: 12:31 EDT, 29 October 2021 | Updated: 13:08 EDT, 29 October 2021

This is the moment a crane operator almost hit a workman and a sports car with the machine's heavy metal hook in Mexico. 

Footage shows the red and white crane swing its hook within inches of the man and the red 2018 Dodge Charger SXT at a warehouse in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

The recently released footage shows the man waiting on a sidewalk, while the crane's hydraulic arm begins to rise on the other side of the wall.

Suddenly its lifting hook swings through an open gateway, narrowly missing the man and the Dodge Charger which is parked next to him.

The owner of the car said he was only in the area to get his car repaired.

He said: 'I had taken my car to my dad's company warehouse to get my car fixed with some stripe designs.

This is the moment a heavy metal crane hook swung past a man, almost hitting him, in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico

'While I was waiting for my uncle to get to the warehouse to put the design on my car, I got the word from my dad that my car was almost hit by a crane that was being operated at his warehouse.'

Eventually, the operator backed up the crane to make sure it didn't hit the car after the near-miss in August this year.

 The hook carried on towards a £20,000 red 2018 Dodge Charger SXT and came within inches of the sports car before swinging back, leaving no damage

The car owner added: 'While I was waiting for my uncle to get to the warehouse to put the design on my car, I got the word from my dad that my car was almost hit by a crane that was being operated at his warehouse'

It's not the first time a crane has been caught on camera in a close call.

Footage shared in July shows a pair of construction workers cheat death after a crane dropped a 68-ton load onto their heads.

The two workers were standing underneath the heavy load when the crane's cable snapped in a terrifying incident in Boppard, western Germany. 

The men were knocked off their feet but a steel support stopped them from being trapped. They rolled clear and ran off, apparently unhurt.

A pair of construction workers cheated death after a crane dropped a 68-ton load onto their heads in Boppard, western Germany

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