Discover all our exclusive content (tests, videos, podcasts, etc.) unlimited and without advertisingBy Puyo ( @puyogk), August 9, 2022 at 12:05 p.m.Regardless of the staggering sales figures, FromSoftware continues to update Elden Ring without showing the slightest sign of fatigue, as if the stamina gauge were inexhaustible.Deployed a few hours ago, Update 1.06 aims to enrich the user experience by extending in particular the possibilities of invocations.As the studio explains in an extended patch note (and only available in English for the time being), a new, freshly added feature increases the number of zones and the distance where call signs can be placed. on the ground... and where invasions can take place.In other words, you also run the risk of being invaded by another player over a larger area.FromSoftware also says it has implemented a new way to complete Varré's quest, without necessarily needing to go through the multiplayer box by making the three necessary party invasion attempts.This will require defeating a new NPC before continuing the quest.For the rest, we refer you to your most beautiful English dictionary, even if there are not really any major changes to the program, apart from perhaps the reduction of the interval between certain attacks and the roll, or even the speed of powerful and charged attacks.※When sending a co-op sign to distant areas with this function, summoning pools in “Mohgwyn Palace” will be excludedAdded the “ERROR” text to unauthorized items※In update file 1.04, we have fixed a bug that allowed players to pass unauthorized items that cannot be obtained in game to other playersAfter the distribution of this update file, possession and usage of these unauthorized items will be subject to warning or penalty after a certain period of time.Archivist of Japanese video games, Grand Arbre Mojo of the editorial staff and oldest agent infiltrated by Nintendo in the French press.Puyo became editor-in-chief, because we had no other choice at hand.Connected the islands of the Ile-de-France archipelago to reforge the katana and unite the Hellot and Andreyev clans under the Gaijin Dash banner, "the best podcast in France" according to fans, "what the hell is this?"according to PC Gamer.Did it interest you?Here it is again!Best Prices for Great EpicsGreat games to explore at the best priceThe king kind on the cheapOnce you've already done it, frankly 50/60h with a final build that's not gross and all the side quests done, it's possible!OK, so no change since launch.Thanks for coming back.Why would you want to ray-trace a game that is technologically 10 years behind?I don't want to ask anything.They promised ray tracing on day one, so I want ray tracing.If they hadn't promised ray tracing on day one, I wouldn't be expecting ray tracing.Sometimes I really don't understand the logic of some people.I didn't ask for anyone to understand me.I didn't ask for anyone to understand me.…if you don't want to be understood, don't write on a discussion forumOK, so no change since launch.Thanks for coming back.But please.…if you don't want to be understood, don't write on a discussion forumFYI, a forum is made for exchanging, not for understanding one's ideas / mentality / way of thinking.I said a simple thing and you say, answering me “olala, I will never understand these people”.So before you want to understand people, already learn not to be haughty with them.You don't have to understand to respect.Now I stop there.If you want to answer like “I had the last word so I won”, good for you.If you talk about the sewers, it's funny, because I think it's one of the best areas in the game, and you have no idea how big the thing is when you go down there!A very good surprise this passage, then there's the 1st meeting with Mohg and more!You don't have to understand to respect.My first run was dex/faith swordfish from deicide, a lot of fun with it.First time I managed to play with a stickman weapon in a Fromsoft.I just wanted to say that I apologize for being heavy and obnoxious with the game for the past few months.I don't regret having highlighted certain negative points that I consider very perfectible, but the fact that it is in my eyes the least good of From does not make it a shameful game.What a pleasure to PVE quietly and to be summoned for bosses or tombs at the 4 corners of the map.It breaks the routine, you never know who you're going to face.An excellent shift!Sometimes I really don't understand the logic of some people.The game could be infinitely sexier visually if it involved even a current lighting engineAnd to think you had the obvious answer in your own words.Personally, I'm also waiting for the raytracing patch, since officially it must arrive one day… and it's clear that there would be something to sublimate the DA that I still find well undermined by the current flat lighting.Afterwards obviously I won't forbid myself to play it if this promise should never be honored, but in the meantime, not being in the least hurry, I prefer to give myself the opportunity to enjoy it in the best conditions.Admittedly, the game is technically very lame and I'm quite frustrated that even on my very big PC there are problems (rarely seen such stutters) Still, I have no games in mind that made me stop as much as saying to myself, “wow, what a slap”.I prefer other FromSoft but it remains for me a masterpiece that will be remembered for a long time.I have rarely seen such a generous game, so to say that FromSoft does not consider its audience is still very unfair I think.By the way Wanda, possible to have your opinion on the game?best game of the last 10 years …or notStutters during the fight against Placidusax, joy.I'm waiting for the "play an FS game one day" patch to stick on both hands.My pharmacist still does not sell any.And to think you had the obvious answer in your own's clear that there would be enough to sublimate the DA that I still find well undermined by the current flat lighting.Wooooké, there I understand with the 2 quotes of your message then through the remarks that you develop.Thanks.This is where there is a misunderstanding, hence my misunderstanding, and I will take the time to develop my point (which I have not done on the forums for years, so thank you to those who will read).You have, I am convinced, an inappropriate expectation on what the adoption of Raytracing could bring to the Elden ring, because if I understand correctly, you hope, in the end and via this bias, for a lighting that can pay homage to the DA and game aesthetics, but here's where you're wrong, because it's never going to be about integrating global illumination (the only games to include global illumination ray tracing so far are "Metro Exodus" and "Cyberpunk" to my knowledge, and yes, in these two cases, indeed, the visual impact is enormous, on PC at least), but the 50th of other games which have it, do not offer only a limited panel of functionalities, essentially reflections and refractions of shadows and lights (and not at the same level of sophistication, according to the titles, which then is) through a certain number of surfaces (liquids, glasses , mirrors, etc. you know all that).But offering "global lighting" in ray tracing is high tech 3D, it requires having a real technological ambition (already) but also having a 3D engine capable of marrying and absorbing all that entails.Even beyond that, the game itself must also have assets capable of correctly exploiting this technology for an honorable final result.You understood, no box is checked, and you don't need to be a marabout or be a great 3D engineer to understand that this is 1: absolutely not Fromsoft's niche which has always been "gameplay first" to the detriment technology (too much for my taste in 2022), 2: That their proprietary engine is now completely obsolete, and not only in terms of rendering, but also performance.And if a "limited" implementation of raytracing (refractions/reflections therefore) can be enough to sublimate the visual of certain games, it is because they already have a lighting engine (in rasterization therefore) at the level of current standards, which, it does not escape you, is absolutely not the case of Elden ring.Hence the origin of my misunderstanding.So, more concretely, imagine for a moment the game as it is today, replace the reflections and refractions of the vegetation and the sky within the swamps (for example), on surfaces like water or the armor of the character , the resulting final render will remain flat, as the game's default lighting engine is flat anyway.There would probably be less coarse shadows, and with a display distance of these that would no longer be inherited from the PS3, but basically… …you get the idea.Some may hope that the image suddenly begins to "vibrate", to see projections of diffuse or dense shadows, lighting that gives "weight" to the scenes of the game, in short, to obtain VOLUME , but, if you are one of those, you are in the wrong technology.The volume is obtained differently (with precisely volumetric elements, clouds, dust, fogs, smoke, through which are diffused lights, volumetric too).All this is already done perfectly via rasterization without ray tracing (examples in image here or in video there, this trailer is a tech-demo of volumetric elements all by itself).However, lighting rasterization is far too dated on Elden ring, and adding ray tracing will not change anything except to shoot down the times when the engine manages to maintain itself at 60 Frames (and besides, I am convinced that it is the why it is still not proposed, and the idea of including it will probably be abandoned soon, if it is not already the case unofficially).So, I agree with you on the fact that Elden ring sometimes offers magnificent visions of the mind, indeed, there are a certain number of scenes which are artistically very impressive, that said, if you hope that the addition of Ray tracing (as implemented in 97% of games) would change anything in the overall "worn" and "dated" rendering, unfortunately, you are kidding yourself.I am sorry … (?).Some are waiting for the arrival of ray tracing to make the game, keep waiting if you want, but I would recommend that you wait instead for a real consideration given to the engine's 3D buffer issues (which causes stuttering and frame drops) , even if in my humble opinion, in the same way as for all their previous prods, no correction will ever be published at this level.Finally, I have a -also- tech-savvy approach, I fully assume it, I know that most of them don't care about all these considerations and I understand it, but contrary to the ideas generally conveyed, we can like the technology and develop a certain requirement at this level, without ignoring the "rest" for all that, "rest" which in my eyes is not less or no more important, but of equal influence because it is complementary.Admittedly, the game is technically very lame and I'm quite frustrated that even on my very large PC there are problems (rarely seen such stutters).Still, I have no game in mind that made me stop so much and say to myself, “wow, what a slap”.I prefer other FromSoft but it remains for me a masterpiece that will be remembered for a long time.I have rarely seen such a generous game, so to say that FromSoft does not consider its audience is still very unfair I think.I hear your speech very well, it is largely majority, it did not escape me you know.I think Gamekult said in a paper: "it's like giving jam to pigs" (talking about the wobbly technology), but yeah, I discovered fromsoft with Demon souls, and 13 years later (with the exception of Sekiro for I don't know what reasons), all the studio's productions all encounter the same problems.These problems are sometimes pointed out, but never sanctioned by the press or by the players, for my part, I no longer accept it.I did Elden ring 3 months after the "whole world" for this reason (and therefore paid much less), and I didn't go completely to the end of the game for this same reason.Clearly, I no longer tolerate it today, it breaks my trip and breaks my immersion.I believe that given the prices of the games, given what this entertainment costs today, I can no longer forgive the mistakes that have ALSO been a feature of this studio for 13 years.Because clearly, we forgive him what we do not forgive others.If (example) the "God of war" of the end of the year were released with a framerate that drops to 15 FPS on PS4, and a PS5 version that constantly yoyos between 30 and 60 feat stuttering, "powered" by moreover by a 2010 engine, everyone (the press as well as the players) would fall on it, even if some despite everything, in the minority in this case, would hold the sweet refrain of: "yes but graphyxms, it doesn't count".There is a lot of hypocrisy and inconsistencies on these subjects in this industry, such as the difficulty of simply admitting that "yes, at 60-70-80 bucks, performance at the minimum "honourable", that counts, as fabulous as the creative output can be”.So, Elden ring may be "very generous" for some, "extraordinary" for others, in my eyes, it is -also- of a mediocrity that I no longer accept, and I do a lot more advantage refers to the performance exploded on the ground (on all platforms once again), than to the visual rendering that is too often outdated, visual rendering that remains a very secondary criticism in the end given the artistic direction of the game (but also regrettable because it could have been so fantastic!... just imagine Elden ring with the tech of a Horizon 2 if you were able to play it, or even more modestly, Bluepoint's Demon's Souls).But as far as performances are concerned, this cinema has been going on for 13 years, it has become too much for me.By the way Wanda, possible to have your opinion on the game?best game of the last 10 years …or notMy point of view would be far too long to write and I think everyone has already had their fill there.But no, I definitely don't consider it "game of the decade", not even "game of the year".It is for me "simply" a "very good game", undeniably extremely inspired, including the "Open world with cryptic stakes" proposal and a gameplay rich in build possibilities but ultimately quite redundant in terms of approaches and combat scenarios / confrontations, clearly did not appeal to me.It must be said that if I am undeniably one of the first converts to souls terminals, I find that the formula has had its day, open world or not, and no longer corresponds to what I expect from a production of this ambition. .A game that, in my opinion, gets tripped up (at least) by confusing "Cryptic" and "Archaic" on too many points.(so not only screenplay because I see you coming)And it's Ex-serv's PC assembler who writes all this to you (yes, I love his work on his analysis formats, as well as his passion for souls, and he made me honor to use my services - we discuss both here for 4:00 ... if interested -).So I'm fully aware of the features that make this game wonderful for most of you.Don't worry ALT236's video on the subject is otherwise self-explanatory.I therefore hear all the arguments, and I am absolutely not "haughty" as someone could have supposed too quickly above... I simply allow myself to have a different opinion from that of the majority of people and this is not dirty you know.It must be said that if I am undeniably one of the first converts to souls terminals, I find that the formula has had its day, open world or not, and no longer corresponds to what I expect from a production with this ambition. .For you, which more or less similar game has a formula that meets your expectations?What do you expect from a From Software game that tries again what Elden Ring did?not even as the "game of the year".So what's your game of the year so far?What do you expect from a From Software game that tries again what Elden Ring did?1: Hire a quality technical director like Konami & Namco did with "Julien Merceron" (there is an exciting "master class" with him online here - when this term still had meaning -) and/or , in the absence of a proprietary engine, transition to an Unreal or Unity type reference engine.It's very expensive, it's long, but now they have the money, so the time.2: Hire renowned UI and UX designers because there it is really more possible.2022, an RPG where you loot 20,000 weapons and equipment without being able to even compare the stats on the fly, it's even more imaginable in reality.Not even being able to view a skill (in video thumbnail) before investing in this or that weapon, this or that spell, that and many other things, it's more cryptic, it's just boring, frustrating and archaic .3: Hire guys who don't know how to write stories, but how to tell them well.Understandably, represent the characters, the issues, and why not, let's be crazy, some narrative cutscenes.Because it's all well and good to have a Lore as rich as it is cryptic, but which suddenly will only speak to the 1% of players motivated enough to go and watch specialized youtube videos lasting several hours and empty the wikis, but in reality, I think it's no longer just a choice of Fromsoftware, but also a consequence of a lack of know-how in this area by the studio.Indeed, we can both have a very dense and cryptic Lore and at the same time tell a story that can be heard by all (The witcher, and even better, Elder scroll do it very well through their 1000 books to read within the games).I do not add "4", but it is imperative that the combat system and the confrontation situations are enriched, That's good, yes, we add archetypes, yes we put weapon-art and sweets right and left, but "Elden Ring" plays "almost" like "Demon's Souls" played.We walk like a crab, a few rolls here and there to pass in the back and backstab, I'm schematizing of course, but you see very well what I'm talking about I think, and that's good, I would like us to pass something else.(Nioh and Ghost of Tsushima have infinitely fewer builds, for example, but a variety of movements and combat situations that are paradoxically much more superior, pad in hand).Am I really the only one who is tired of the tactical and strategic possibilities of souls / elden ring combat?I will end this aside by recalling that there are two large clients arriving.(in addition to Dragon's Dogma 2, because I loved the first despite the fact that the qualities of this game could be summed up in… only one in fact, an excellent combat system, probably still the best so far in his genre)For you, which more or less similar game has a formula that meets your expectations?What do you expect from a From Software game that tries again what Elden Ring did?It's a difficult question."more or less similar" is quite nebulous when trying to be accurate with a proposal like that of Elden ring, because you have to admit that they have appropriated the "open world genre" in their own way.The last game that managed to totally conquer me (even if it was very flawed, especially in terms of combat) was "The Witcher 3", it's not very young anymore.Its imprint on the industry is undeniable today, but hey, there we are frankly more on RPG.Open world side, more action / adventure, I was extremely seduced by the proposal of "Ghost of Tsushima" (especially its PS5 version).In my opinion, Sucker punch reminded Ubisoft rather violently: "I'm going to show you how to make a modern open world action/adventure".And it feels good that someone has taken this posture there.So, even if some elements of the game are quite "systemic" (as gautoz very rightly said), the whole is nevertheless really super chiadé, the AD is fabulous, the whole game is an invitation to continual exploration as it is… beautiful, zen and purified of “dumb” interface interference, and above all, a really dense and demanding combat system (to be absolutely discovered in “difficult” mode at least, as the game mechanics are so actually thought to be played that way).I had infinitely more pleasure on Tsushima than on Elden ring without the slightest doubt (I actually finished it twice, that is to say).For the rest, at 42 broomsticks now, I've been reading books on the 16th and 17th century in Japan since I was 17 or 18 I think, so of course I was able to feed the game's trappings and unspoken words by my knowledge, both of the country's history and about bushido & shoninki, so I think that has something to do with the affection I have for this game. But despite that, I think that in a way, it too shows a way of what a modern open world can be.And I wish the PC players a publication of the game on the platform as soon as possible (it happens for sure and certain).So what's your game of the year so far?For the moment, apart from small favorites on the right and on the left, my GOTY remains SIFU.By default.What do you mean by never sanctioned by the players?What sanction do you have in mind and why players should sanction?I can understand your point of view, and I myself am surely one of those players who "forgive" FromSoft when I am usually very demanding.Will this be the case for their next production?The future will tell!I definitely don't consider it 'game of the decade', not even 'game of the year'.It is for me "simply" a "very good game", undeniably extremely inspired, including the "Open world with cryptic stakes" proposal and a gameplay rich in build possibilities but ultimately quite redundant in terms of approaches and combat scenarios / confrontations, clearly did not appeal to me.It must be said that if I am undeniably one of the first converts to souls terminals, I find that the formula has had its day, open world or not, and no longer corresponds to what I expect from a production of this ambition. .A game that, in my opinion, gets tripped up (at least) by confusing "Cryptic" and "Archaic" on too many points.(so not only screenplay because I see you coming)That's exactly what I think of the gameI reassure you, you are far from being the only one to have a little more nuanced opinion than what seems to be the average on elden ring.I agree with you on some points, less on others.It clearly didn't stop me from liking the game a lot, but I was also disappointed in certain aspects.No time to expand too much, especially since you have already expressed yourself rather well and I thank you for the time you took to do so (respectfully and clearly).I will content myself with saying that for my part, I am also from the school of "souls is life" since DS on ps3, and that despite this I feel a little touch of weariness pointing the tip of its muzzle since ds3 and its maxi best of side in fact.You may be a bit right when you say that we forgive this series and its studio for things that would be harsher sanctioned with others.I loved elden but I have, despite all the efforts made and certain strokes of genius in the panoramas, the atmospheres etc., found all the same a little taste of ds4 which does not say its name.So “the culmination of the formula” yes, but as I already had the impression that this score had been played to me with ds3…I'm still more fond of the more compact formula of this series for a whole host of reasons.And I consider that FS has never been so brilliant as when they reinvented themselves a little or a lot, while starting from known bases (bloodborne and sekiro).It's obviously a personal opinion based on my feelings, my tastes, my history as a player but not only, etc… And I find myself silly to feel the need to specify it.But some things are a bit more objective perhaps.The technique is an example, although I was not bothered personally.Hire renowned UI and UX designers because there it is really more possible.2022, an RPG where you loot 20,000 weapons and equipment without being able to even compare the stats on the fly, it's even more imaginable in reality.Not even being able to view a skill (in video thumbnail) before investing in this or that weapon, this or that spell, that and many other things, it's more cryptic, it's just boring, frustrating and archaic .I say no more, much to my dismayHire guys who don't know how to write stories, but how to tell them well.Understandably, represent the characters, the issues, and why not, let's be crazy, some narrative cutscenes.Because it's all well and good to have a Lore as rich as it is cryptic, but which suddenly will only speak to the 1% of players motivated enough to go and watch specialized youtube videos lasting several hours and empty the wikis, but in reality, I think it's no longer just a choice of Fromsoftware, but also a consequence of a lack of know-how in this area by the studio.Indeed, we can both have a very dense and cryptic Lore and at the same time tell a story that can be heard by all (The witcher, and even better, Elder scroll do it very well through their 1000 books to read within the games).The same.I would not have been of this opinion on the old souls, but on a game like ER where the characters, situations, objects etc. and therefore the story are scattered over such an immensity, actually it is a bit more problematic.Especially with characters moving to the other end of the map at certain key moments!One of the things that fascinated me about Demon Souls was the hologram build gallery.I wondered how it was possible to create a fantasy world where the gameplay left so many possibilities for character building.Thereupon ER is a great success.The number of possible builds is incredible.If we add the generator of very personal adventures that it is in fact and of which we have heard feedback since its release, it is for me a great success.ER is not the game you expected, so what?Tired of the formula?Posture of darons early adapters…Fromsoft did very well on this one.I just hope they have the genius to spend their energy and their new means in such incredible projects to play.But offering "global lighting" in ray tracing is high-tech 3D, it requires having a real technological ambition.Incidentally that's why it's introduced by modders/hobbyists in just about any game, from ZBOTW in emulation to...Elden Ring itself.Global illumination in RT is certainly a very advanced and computationally heavy technology, but which, compared to other modern lighting techniques, requires almost no thought / prior technical specificity to be implemented (well, I'm not talking on the other hand not here of the question of the optimization).Tired of the formula?Posture of darons early adapters…I imagine that it is precisely because they reused the same engine with a few improvements here and there that they were able to create such a generous game.I can understand that we can remain unsatisfied from a technical point of view but it is not for me a problem or a reason to denigrate it.Now that with this game, they have been able to realize that their audience was much less niche than expected (10 million sales apparently), maybe they will be able to take a step forward, knowing that they had to happily cover their costs , I hope.But if they have to do spin-offs, like Sekiro or Blood Borne, with this graphics engine again, I take it.Their Souls formula is starting to tire me, but I will always be very fond of their side project.They don't have eyes bigger than their stomachs for the moment and that's fine the way I think.I love the game as I said.They were actually able to create such a huge game by taking over a lot of their old titles (engine and assets).But still, it's been a long time since their games are no longer "niche" and very well sold (several million copies).Elden ring, I would not be surprised if we are at more than 20 million (13.4 million on March 31), and suddenly, with such a financial windfall we can still hope to see improvements in the future months, despite the weight of the legacy.I don't believe it at all, FromSoft is not known for its post launch follow-upGood for multiplayer, it will make matchmaking easier.I would love to see where they are in developing the next Armored Core!They are really super discreet at From, it raises the hype…Test of Return to Monkey Island, Retro Dash, Foretales, NBA 2K23: your program for the week of 09/19/22Two gaming laptops at discounted rights reserved © 2000 - 2022This feature is reserved for subscribers.The best of Gamekult, just for you!I am not interested, return to the siteThis feature is reserved for subscribers.Don't want advertising?All right 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